Saturday, April 11, 2009

fuhh.. very tired day

erm.. because of absent for engineering lab, I was asssign to do assigment..
haiya so many question she give to me...

there's 8 question and for every question it's mark is 10-30 marks..I need to explain nd described every know if i have a strength to go for lab that day i willing to go there..but i can't do it because i'm sick and get vomit..

I willing to finish lab report than answer all of this question because some question that given is not in our silybus and we not learn about it..for lab report we jz do the conclusion n discn but for this fuuuhhh... one by one question i need to surf internet n find information about it

start from 8 a.m i try to do it but untill now 4.24 pm..n u know i just can answer for 3 question..haiya..fening2

But maybe had something behind this task.. anyway i try to finish it because it is compulsory to top up my marks for engineering lab..hahah buat jgn xbuat...think positive..

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